7 Basic Differences Between DDR4 and DDR5 Memory You Should Know!
Manufacturers have already started to announce their DDR5 RAM and many companies are ready to release DDR5 memory with the launch of the new generation of Intel Alder Lake-S processors, which will support this new technology, which will excel in providing high performance on the PC.

Manufacturers have already started to announce their DDR5 RAM and many companies are ready to release DDR5 memory with the launch of the new generation of Intel Alder Lake-S processors, which will support this new technology, which will excel in providing high performance on the PC.
Some people do not know the difference between the previous generation of DDR4 memories and the new generation DDR5, so we explain 7 basic differences between DDR4 and DDR5 memories so that the image reaches the full picture for users and help them make the right decision between updating to DDR5 or not.
In the two pictures we see a big difference in the shape of the PCB, there is more space in the DDR5 model to put the smaller IC and capacitors, we also see that the latch for the gold connectors has been moved closer to the middle, the manufacturers were trying to put that latch in the middle and it has already started moving since DDR3 And here we are closer to the middle in DDR5, although it is close to one side, which makes us warn users not to place the memories incorrectly, which may lead to breaking them when pressed excessively, believing that they are in the right place.
In the era of DDR4, the maximum capacity that could be reached in a single memory was 32 GB, and by virtue of motherboards that supported 2DPC (Dimm Per Channel), the highest capacity that could be reached with two memory together was 128 GB for the system as a whole, but in the era of DDR5 advanced Technology has made it so much that 128 GB is the maximum capacity that can be accessed in a single memory!
If we use the same motherboard that supports 2DPC on the new memory DDR5 can access 512 GB of RAM in one PC, with this capacity it is hard to imagine the multitasking that a PC would be capable of, that 512 GB of capacity is the normal size For SSD storage these days, we're looking forward to the performance of a single 128GB memory when it's finished.
If you are a gamer who is interested in the memory market, you will have noticed that the frequency with which DDR5 memory starts is 4800MHz, and you will also notice that the frequencies of memory increase at a constant rate, which is almost double the previous generation, DDR3 memory was working at a frequency of 1066MHz, DDR4 memory Its initial frequency was 2133 MHz, and now the initial frequency of DDR5 memory is 4800 MHz, we do not know yet whether 4366 MHz frequencies will exist in the future or not, but the sure thing that we must be happy with is that the prototype of DDR5 memory reaches up to Frequencies beyond the expected initial frequency according to the pattern in which the frequencies of memories grow, we also believe that overclocking these memories will be interesting and will open a new horizon for us.
internal structure:
DDR5 class uses 32 data banks (a bank is a single storage unit inside memory that can be individually enabled or deactivated), the 32 banks are divided into 8 groups, this is double what DDR4 used to use only 16 data banks divided into 4 groups, Unusually in DDR4 memories, which were unable to perform any tasks while updating bank data, DDR5 comes with a technology that makes it work in an integrated manner while updating bank data with the new technology that separated data banks from each other, so if a bank needs an update, the rest of the banks will not have to stop working Until it completes this task, but the rest will work normally, all those differences and techniques in the internal structure of the memory have led to DDR5 reaching twice the performance of DDR4.
With the development of generations, all manufacturers resort to rationalizing the consumption of electricity in cutting the hardware, so with the release of the new generation DDR5, the memories became working with a voltage of 1.1 volts, while the previous generation DDR4 was working with a voltage of 1.2 volts, and the previous generation DDR3 was working at a voltage of 1.5 volts, that development led to DDR5 is twice the performance of DDR4 and at lower voltages too!
Energy regulation:
The task of power regulation was entirely in the motherboard, but with the entry of the new generation DDR5, power regulation became in the memory itself, with the voltage needed by the memory reaching 1.1 volts, it became easy to manage the electricity entering and leaving the memory in the memory itself, with some relatively small IC and some Capacitors are connected to the same DDR5 memory chip. This allows the memory to regulate power, especially since the memory will need a tool that makes it distinguish the electrical signals intended for it and the intended for others so as not to reach the complete failure of the system, and this leads us to the next difference between DDR4 and DDR5 memory, which is the on-die EEC technology.
On-die EEC Technology:
The full name of that technology is Error-Correcting Code, which is the error-correcting technique that is used in all hardware these days, it can make memory more stable than before, in the past this technology needed a redundant electrical conductor (IC) to correct errors, so you will see 9 Electrical connectors on the fault-correcting side on older DDR4 memory instead of 8, and these connectors must also be supported on the motherboard or processor to be able to run this feature.
The DDR5 generation of memory is completely different from the previous generations, each electrical connector comes with a single ECC inside, this automatic error correction feature allows the system used for DDR5 memories to deal with errors better and not cause a complete system failure due to those electrical errors.
Now that you know the basic differences between DDR4 and DDR5 RAM, you can make the right decision to update, and with the release of the new generation processors at the beginning of next November, you will be able to try out the new DDR5 on your own.
Technology is advancing rapidly in this era of time, and soon we will find DDR5 memories reaching incredible speeds with overclocking with the twelfth generation processors. Wait for our review of the new generation processors, boards and memories with the official launch of the processors on the 4th of November next.
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