Step 1: Establish the retired phone's network functions.
Tap on the Settings drawer on the home page and go to Wireless and Networks. Then Turn on Wi-Fi.
The phone will obtain an IP address and connect if it's configured for your home network. If it fails to connect, open Wi-Fi Settings and choose Add Wi-Fi network. Then enter the network details just like the network name (called SSID) and password. It's the same information you use to connect a laptop to the network. Test the connection by browsing to any website.
Step 2: Download a webcam app from the Google Play store.
Many of those apps work with a PC Client component that installs the webcam drivers and connects the pc. Other apps have advanced features that allow you send audio and pictures to a cloud storage spot. For starters, check out Pavel Khlebovich's free IP Webcam, DroidCam Wireless Webcam, USB Camera and IP WebCam - Acid.
Click on the install button to allow the app to install on your device. Choose the Setup option if necessary or click Start Server or other similar option within the application. The phone will show the camera video image screen.
Step 3: Adjust the viewing medium on your remote device.
This step might not be necessary if all you are looking for is to stock pictures to the phone's storage or upload it to the cloud. First, open your Web browser on a desktop or laptop computer that is connected to the same router as the phone. You configured this network on the phone within the earlier step. The laptop does not have to be on the same wireless network.
Next, enter the IP address of the phone into the browser address bar. generally, the app you installed on the phone will show you what is your address. It will be something like "" where ":8080" is related to HTTP port. The phone is serving the image and audio like a website does.
Then press the laptop's Enter button. The phone's webcam server options page will appear on your computer.
Last, if you're using Chrome or Firefox, choose the utilization Browser Built-In Viewer or similar option. They are tested to work. You may need to experiment if you like to use another application to show your camera images. For instance, if you are using another browser, choose Use Java Browser Plugin and agree to any security prompts. You may need to install Java Plug-in from the resulting link.
Step 4: Locate the phone.
Position the phone for the best-protected view. If have the intention of use the phone-turned-webcam as a security device for an exterior pathway, for example, windowpanes afford good weatherproofing. Another option is to place the camera inside pointing at the window. Do not point the camera into the sun. Try to get light for best clarity images. To save the phone's battery supply for a long period of use, choose the nearest location to power socket.
You can use an automotive phone cradle to create a makeshift phone camera stand for interior placement. Use the suction cup to keep the holder to the window. Plastic L-shaped holders are convenient to put the phone next to a camera-less desktop PC.
To secure the dashcam phone in your vehicle, you need a mount to put the phone at an angle that displays the road ahead of you. Accessory outlets online and in brick-and-mortar stores offer a variety of products for both windshield and dashboard mounting.
Step 5: Set up power functions.
Connect a USB cable from the phone to a wall outlet for stationary use at home or the office. Older phones can suffer from battery degradation, the battery holds less charge and expires faster. So, don't believe battery power for long-term camera use.
To use the old phone as a dashcam for your vehicle, a standard auto suction cup harness will hold the phone securely to the windshield. You can handily plug the phone's auto charging cable into the powered USB socket or cigarette lighter on the dashboard's instrument panel.
Step 6: Configure the audio medium.
This step might be necessary for some computer configurations. Most webcam apps have a settings choice to play audio with the browser. Perform this step last to avoid potential feedback which will occur if a phone and computer are too getting ready.
Depending on your equipment, you might be able to record voice through the built-in laptop microphone or the accessory microphone plugged into the desktop computer. If you employ the old phone or tablet as a standalone webcam in a vehicle or elsewhere, check that the volume is set to a satisfactory level.